IJSRP, Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2022 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Jatin kumar Chaurasia, Utkarsh Shukla, Urvi Verma , Ashish Kumar Pandey
There is currently a lot of study being done on the functioning of Electronic Health Records (EHR) software, and doctors are facing a lot of difficulties as they switch from a paper-based record management system to an electronic one. Our goal is to help healthcare providers embrace EHR software and improve the clinical and practise management aspects of their operations. The health reports of the individuals, which also include diagnostic data and medical prescriptions, are delivered in the form of papers, the subsequent hospital visit by the individual is blind to the individuals prior medical conditions and medications. However, this issue is lessened by storing a persons entire health record as a soft copy in the cloud. If they havent already, healthcare providers are under increasing pressure to embrace an EHR.