IJSRP, Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2022 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
B. Gayatri
In the era of competitive, unstable and dynamic environment, the tasks of the employees of Indian banks has become demanding. This is also due to the fact with opening up of economy through globalization, liberalization and privatization and the natural drift towards information technology, challenges get multiplied when one has to work diversified working climate. Organizations need people who have both technical knowledge and emotional and social abilities which will facilitate them to delight the customers. The emotional intelligence interventions are partly a response to the problems that employees in corporate sector face today. Emotional intelligence competences can contribute in developing these abilities and skills that are linked with this desire or aspiration new line. The present study aims to compare the level of Emotional intelligence among managers and its impact on organizational commitment in the respective private and public sector banks.. The study also helped in finding out the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational Climate.