IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
George, Siyeoforiye Precious
Crude oil contains lead as one of its heavy metals. The Niger Delta is vast with oil facilities that is capable of causing pollution to the environment. Lead is a toxic metal that has affected the children exposed to these polluted sites. This toxicity causes severe brain damage, neuropathy, weakness and many more. Therefore, the detection of this metal is very important to know its threshold in the blood. The source of intake could be in the air or through agricultural produce from these polluted sites. From this study, Mean value for children exposed is 40.1µg/dl while the Standard Deviation is 30.9µg/dl. This also affected their Intelligent Quotient with value of 40%. The children that are not exposed, have their Mean value of 3.4µg/dl while the Standard Deviation is 1.6µg/dl and Intelligent Quotient as 60%.