IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
M A Gulbarga, Prof S B Burli
This paper briefs on manual fabrication process, to prepare injection moldable granules of jute-pp (NF-PP) bio composite, with different loading of jute reinforcement up to 30 % by weight(Jute or NF ratio 10, 20, 30, by wt%), without using parallel twin screw extruder. Low investment process for jute/NF composition up to 30% by wt of jute/NF in bio composite. External hot mixing of jute/NF and PP is accomplished in a pan, with incremental heat and control. Modified manual injection molding machine is used as extruder for in-house granule preparation. Even flax, hemp, sisal and any NF with PP can be prepared for test and development locally.