IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Miss. Shweta Soni
As the personal computing industry pursues more user friendly, inexpensive user interfaces the concept of a touch less interface is worthy of inspection. Touch less is an SDK (software development kit) that allows users to create and experience multi-touch applications. The main idea is to offer users a new and cheap way of experiencing multi-touch capabilities, without the need of expensive hardware or software. All the user needs is a camera, which will track colored markers defined by the user.
This next generation input technology allows the user to navigate without touching the surface. Computers are no longer relegated to use in the home study or on an office desk. These days people travel everywhere with their smart handsets, personal media players, e-books and tablet PCs. Coffee shops, restaurants, gyms, bus stops, plane terminals and even lavatories are fair usage environments for this new generation of touchless interface. If a customer is reading an e-book at the gym while on a treadmill and wants to turn a page, it would be a much easier to swipe across the device with a touchless gesture. A touch less interface can allow an automobile driver to safely adjust volume with the touch less swipe of hand without having to navigate through a complicated instrument cluster to find control buttons. The day will soon come when even the most commonplace home appliance, handheld devices, computing platform and industrial interface can be activated and controlled with the wave of a hand.