IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Tapas kumar Dutta, Bidhan C. Patra
Ponds are natural water sources that are used by man for various purposes. Zooplankton constitutes an important food item for fishes . Zooplankton also play an important role and serve as bioindicators as well as to assess the pollution status of water .In this present study, we tried to asses the zooplankton species richness, diversity and evenness and to state the condition of a freshwater tropical perennial pond , Jamunabundh, of Bishnupur Bankura. The plankton density and physicochemical parameters were recorded during the period of January 2012 to December 2012 . A total of 20 taxa were recorded in which 6 were rotifers , 3 copepoda , 4 cladocera , 3 of ostracoda and 4 larva and protozoa were recorded . Cladocera constituted the main dominant group in this pond contributing 45.2% of the total zooplanktons followed by Rotifera 43.3%, Copepoda 8.3% and Ostracoda 1.7% during January being 360 No/l and February being 347 No/l . Lowest density was observed during June and July 234 No/l and 246 No/l respectively. These data are in accordance with the negative significant correlation between Zooplankton and temperature (r = -0.593) . Highest species diversity was observed during December, January and February being 2.96, 2.99 and 2.92 respectively. Highest evenness was also observed during January and February being 0.99 in both the months while the richness being 3.28,, 3.22 and 3.07 in these three months during December, January and February respectively.