IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Than Zaw Oo, Nyi Nyi, Cho Cho Khaing
In Myanmar, there are various natural resources such as water, air, wind and solar. Among of them, water resource is the most abundant as there are many rivers and streams with rich electrical energy. Moreover, the cost of hydro-electric power is relatively cheaper compared with other resources. In hydraulic turbine is one of the most important parts to generate electricity. This paper intends to design the runner and nozzle with needle for Pelton turbine that will generate 220 kW output power from head of 213 m and flow rate of 0.135 m3/s. For these head and capacity of turbine, rotational speed is 1000 rpm, specific speed is 18.4, pitch circle diameter is 0.56 m, jet diameter is 0.053 m and nozzle outlet diameter is 0.064 m. The number of bucket based on jet ratio, 11 is 21. Detail design of runner, nozzle with needle of that turbine is described in this paper.