IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 7, July 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Muhammad Sahir, Rustam, Gunarto Latama
This study aims to determine the effect of comparative doses of enrichment of Nitrogen and Phosphate on Cyctocarp development and release of spores. This research was conducted in November 2018 to February 2019, in the Laboratory of Seaweed, the Brackish Aquaculture Center for Takalar (BPBAPT). The research location is in Mappakalompo Village, Galesong District, Takalar District, South Sulawesi Province. For analysis of N and P content in the media analyzed at the Laboratory of water quality at Hasanuddin University. The test organism or algae used is Talus seaweed which has a Cyctocarp of ± 3 cm long with ± 1.5 cm diamiter. The experimental container used was a glass bottle with a capacity of 100 ml.