IJSRP, Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Beatrice Perpetue OKOUA
Among the civil society organizations working in the field of education in the Republic of Congo is the national branch of the forum of African women educators, fawe -Congo in acronym, the school clubs tosolola in Lingala it is to say lets express ourselves in French and listening cells are installed today by fawe-congo in twenty general and technical education establishments across three departments of the Republic of Congo (Pointe-Noire, Brazzaville and Ewo in the basin-west department).
The united nations children fund (UNICEF) which supports its partner, fawe - Congo within the framework of a vast project to set up school clubs in collaboration with the ministry of Prescolary, primary, secondary and of Literacy (MEPPSA) carried out a programmatic monitoring mission in the clubs of Brazzaville, for the year 2017-2018, this mission aimed to verify in the field the functioning of the said structures, the activities carried out, the lessons learned, the synergy between the clubs, then to examine the sustainability of these clubs with a view to scaling up at the national level. The conferences, debates and talks organized by these school clubs in the target secondary schools have contributed to improving the school retention of girls because the retention rate for girls in these schools has increased from 78.75% in 2016 to 82.85% in 2017, i.e. an improvement of 4.10 percentage points
The present practical guide is the result of this joint UNICEF-FAWE-Congo mission, as it fills the gap in the absence of an essential framework document for the functioning of the clubs. Intended for those in charge of clubs and cells listening to their members, for administrators of the education system, it will certainly make it possible to substantially improve the field work of these clubs.