IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Emellika Rahmayana, Dr. Rudy Trisno Yuwono, SKom., MM
Based on the results of the analysis of the quality of the website, analyzed the XXI and CG cinema providers in Indonesia, the utilization of the facilities is to market the currently aired and aired films. People can choose the movie they want to see, the location of the movie, the price of the movie, and any time available. However, in reality sometimes people also prefer to come directly to the Cinema because of the quality of the website is less user friendly for use by the community. So the quality of the website will greatly affect the level of user satisfaction itself. To know the level of user satisfaction of cinema service website, then do quality comparison between website XXI and CGV using WEBQUAL method (Website Quality) with 3 pieces of X that are information quality, interaction quality, and usability quality plus 1 additional variable Y namely customer satisfaction with smartPLS application.