IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr.Dijla Abd Almutalb Khan
Missed abortion is the failure of fetal development and retained in uterus not expelled with closed OSE. ultra sound show an empty gestational sac or fetus without cardiac activity, constitute approximately 5% clinically diagnosed pregnancy, 95% of surgical termination was effective ,surgical termination have many complication as risk of general Anesthesia and risk of bleeding during surgery with risk of trauma to uterus or intestine or bladder due to perforation to uterus with increase maternal morbidity in all the world with costs .of surgery and hospitalization with risk infection and risk of infertility due to uterine adhesion many studies show that medical management might be more suitable instead of surgical evacuation we perfume our study Al Zahraa hospital of gynecology and obstetrics in Al Najaf number of patient in first trimester pregnancy use misoprostol 800 Mg vaginally and compare an effectiveness with other studies for the same subject we found its very effective with low side effect , we recommend its use better than waiting for spontaneous onset of abortion with loss of time during which is emotional disturbance for the mother is occur with risk coagulation disturbance that increase need for blood and increase maternal morbidity missed abortion is failure of fetal development before 20 weeks with closed cervix and slight vaginal bleeding and uterus failed to expelled it