IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Preethi M, Rashmi Purad, Kavya D S, Chandrakala H L
Wireless sensor network requires secure and trusted communication. Due to lack of power supply and processing capability of sensor node ensuring security in wireless sensor network is a challenging task. The major attack in wireless sensor network is byzantine attack, where an opponent node has full control over some of the authenticated nodes and can perform arbitrary behavior to disturb the system. The key idea of this project is to ensure the delivery of accurate data in wireless sensor network with mobile access points (SENMA) for the reliable data fusion. In sensor network with mobile access points, the mobile node is used to collect data from sensor nodes. Mobile node uses distributed detection technique to sense weather a node is normal node or static attacker or dynamic attacker. Then it collects data from valid nodes only and sends aggregated data to sink.