IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Aletta TuliMevava Ndapanda Shitenga, Shilongo Sem Mekondjo, Morie Sam
As the issue of water crisis is becoming a major concern at global level, water resource management should be inculcated into government priorities, and this has to be done through sustainable development. In this paper, we focus on the comparative analysis of the surface water quality between Guma Valley dam in Sierra Leone and Tai Lake for Wuxi waterworks in P.R. China. The various drinking water treatment methods use at Wuxi waterworks, the company major challenges and the policy impact were also examined. The arising algae problem in Tai Lake is becoming a severe concern not only, to Wuxi waterworks but also to Wuxi local government. This is due to urbanisation and industrialisation of Wuxi municipality and the nearby cities along the Tia Lake, as they are the major source of pollution into the Lake.