IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Revalda Amanda Yacoba B. Salakory, Salakory Melianus
This study aims to (1) analyze about ecology condition of mangrove forest ecosystem and (2) estimate about total economic valuation of mangrove forest ecosystem in Nania. This research is a quantitative research. Data were collected through interviews, documentation and observation. Method analysis employed was Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Total Economic Value (TEV). Mangrove forests in on 2015 are categorized ‘lightly damaged’ (2.40 Ha). Overall, the economic value of mangrove forest ecosystem if undamaged is Rp. 657.679.150 per year, with the following description: direct use value is Rp. 88.427.000 per year, indirect use value is Rp. 566.590.400 per year, option value is Rp. 468.000 per year.