IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Beatus Tambaip, Suratman, Sangkala, Gita Susanti
Transformation is the transfer from one place to another, and cause changes on an object that has been plagued by such things. So the transformation can cause changes in a particular object. Such changes also occurred in the local community who are able to transform the values of the local culture, especially the culture of Papua. Cultural values in the form of: 1) the work ethic; 2) mutual cooperation; 3) openness; 4) preservation of value; 5) kinship; and 6) the pattern of consumption, it is very attached and form a distinctive characteristic of social behavior ethnic Papuans. This study aims to analyze the process of transformation of local cultural values takes place within the Office of Licensing Services Agency One Stop (BPPTSP) Jayapura city government. The approach used is a qualitative approach. The focus of this study examines the process of transformation of local cultural values takes place in the Integrated Licensing Services Agency One Stop (BPPTSP) Jayapura city government. This study uses depth interview, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed through qualitative data analysis include data reduction, organizing data, and interpretation of data. The results of this study indicate that the process of transformation of local culture into the culture of the organization BPPTSP happen through two ways; first, through the design and local government intervention, both, through a process of acculturation.