IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ms. Preeti Singh, Unnikrishnan Payyappalli
People’s Biodiversity Register (PBR) documents diverse aspects such as biodiversity and ecosystems services in a location Narwana Village Panchayath, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh, status of folk (traditional/indigenous/local) knowledge, their applications, history, ongoing changes and forces driving changes in biodiversity resources, gainers and losers in these processes and people’s perceptions of how these resources should be managed. A number of PBRs have been prepared in different parts of India beginning 1995 through initiatives of NGOs and educational institutions working with local communities and village councils and other administrative bodies, like State Biodiversity Board and Notational Biodiversity Authority.