IJSRP, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2015 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Muhammad Adamu Isah, Muhammad Ali Chiroma, Adamu Isa Harir Bala Ishiyaku
This study pursued a recommendation to search for the sources of water pollution in the hand dug wells (HDW) from Hardo ward a high density residential area in the ancient traditional city of Bauchi metropolis, Nigeria. Secondary data on pollution by Coli form concentration in water from HDW in Hardo ward was used as the dependent variable (Y) while primary data was collected on four parameters as potential sources of water pollution: the depth of the well; type of well; setback distances between HDW and pit latrines, setback distances between HDW and unlined water drainage channels served as independent variables (IV) = X1, X2, X3 and X4 respectively. The data were subjected to both standard and hierarchical/sequential multiple regression analysis (MRA) using the SPSS 20.0 software to determine the significant sources of water pollution in the study area. The results were presented in coefficients tables, and figures. The standard multiple regression showed a highly significant positive correlation at R2 = 0.758 (adjusted R2 0.693) implying that the level of pollution in the HWD is directly affected by the combined effect of the four independent variables. However, when each independent variable was controlled, in the hierarchical multiple regressions, the model indicated only distance from pit latrine (X2) had a significant impact on water pollution by Coliform and with the highest correlation. The study recommended the use of community boreholes for water supply in the area and educating the residents on the need for proper treatment of water before drinking, as well as measures to achieve standards of construction and the setback standards of locations of HDWs from all the pollution sources in general.