IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. G. Nirmala, R.Anju
Making decisions are one of the most fundamental activities of human beings. In an atmosphere of uncertainty the decision maker has to select the best course out of several alternative courses of action that may be available to him. In earlier days, decisions were made mainly on personal judgement. Now-a-days judgement is combined with several quantitative techniques and the best action is arrived at in a given situation. In this paper we find the solution for the problem that Bharathidasan Constituent College (W), Orathanadu, Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, South India need to conduct remedial class for the weak students in their College. Finally we conclude that the decision maker (The Principal) enable to take an optimal decision through Fuzzy ingredients.