IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Godday Orziemgbe Oriarewo, Kenneth Chukwujioke, Agbim & Abeh Aondoseer
Perceived desirability and feasibility have increased through participation in entrepreneurship education programmes in Universities. Thus, this study assessed entrepreneurial perceptions and knowledge among graduates of Nigerian Universities. Data were collected using questionnaire and analysed with respect to the 8 research questions using both unvariate and bivariate analyses. It was found that entrepreneurial perceptions and knowledge varied across age groups, gender, courses studied and ethnic groups among the graduates. The study reveals that: graduates aged 29-31 years had the best entrepreneurial knowledge and showed the best interest towards entrepreneurship; graduates of Engineering/Technology and Health Science courses were the most interested in entrepreneurship, while those who studied management science courses were the best performers in entrepreneurial knowledge; male graduates were more interested in starting their own business; and graduates from the South-East made the highest scores of 76% and 70% in entrepreneurial perception and knowledge respectively. The study therefore recommends the establishment of an institution to assist the older graduates with high achievement motivation to start their own business and a reinvention of the centers for entrepreneurship development so as to enhance their capability to groom more entrepreneurial and skillful University graduates.