IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Singh O, Mishra BK , Pandit S, Maheshwari T P, Hasan S
Plastination is a process of tissue preservation by embedding tissues with synthetic materials, as silicone polymers and epoxy resins to produce dry, durable, handy and natural looking specimens useful as a unique tool for teaching of anatomy, pathology, radiology and surgery. Since 1980s, (when it was invented by Professor Gunther Von Hagens experimentally), plastination technique, quality and cost effectiveness is developing. Plastinated specimens are popular among students and teachers, both, as they are easy to handle, odorless, nonhazardous and stable. Plastinated specimens are long lasting so require less number of cadavers. This is a promising method for producing ideal specimens for teaching and learning processes.