IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mukta P Bidikar, Pritam M Bidikar
Patient satisfaction has evolved as an important tool to evaluate high-value care being given to patient. Also, design of the physical environibutement is increasingly recognized as an important attr in patient care. Patient has to cope with not only the disease but also with changes in environmental factors on hospitalization. Light in healthcare environments is known to influence physical and emotional well-being of patients and also enhance their recovery. Optimum bedside lighting conditions is vital for patients personal needs and comfort and also for activities such as clinical examinations, various tests and procedures as also nursing care. The present study was undertaken to test visual comfort relative to bedside light. A structured, interviewer guided questionnaire was used to evaluate 136 adult patients who visited three multi-speciality hospitals and results were compared to standards. The 136 patients consisted of 82 males and 54 females with a mean age of 31 years (+13). Of these patients 72% were satisfied with bedside daylight levels and 68% patients were satisfied with bedside artificial light levels. Dissatisfaction was mainly due to excessive illumination/ glare from brightness of light sources and reflecting surfaces, spotty appearance of light in certain areas in the room especially those near the windows. On the other hand, in ward areas where lux levels were low patients had difficulty in performing routine tasks like eating, reading, etc. The results suggest that patient satisfaction is related to adequate levels of bedside light and practical recommendations can improve visual comfort of patients in ward.