IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Bhaskar B. Gardas, Naresh R. Shimpi, Sunil B. Mahajan
In todays scenario, every Industry is trying to reduce the selling prices and weight of their products. Every department of the organization is looking forward to cut the costs at every stage of the product cycle, right from the purchase of the raw material till the product is dispatched in the market. Manufacturing of some metals produce certain toxic substances and gases like Fugitive Dust, Metal Oxides, Fluoride, Aldehydes, and Chlorides. So, use of metals should be reduced by obtaining the same or more functionality by using some other materials or techniques. In this case study, Value Methodology is applied to Mumbai local trains to reduce their cost and weight considerably. Also safety of the passengers is increased. As local trains passengers density in Mumbai is the highest in the world, of the order 4500 passengers /9 car rake, in the peak time. Every passenger does not get handles to hold. Many passengers hold the handles and don’t move in, resulting in fall of passengers who lean outside of the running train. Hence, an idea is suggested, which says that handles should be removed from the train compartments and the rods on which handles are mounted should be lowered so that passengers can hold the rod. By adapting the handle less arrangement weight got decreased by 2,304 kg and cost decreased by Rs 3,02,400 (approx.) of a 12 car rake.