IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ms. Neerja S. Dharmale, Mr. Rupesh S. Mahamune
This paper is based on Digital signal processing. Controlling through human speech is one of the fascinating application of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Automation systems. The speech recognition can be defined as a technique of determining what is being spoken by a particular speaker. Speech recognition is one of the commonplace applications of the speech processing technology. The term automation refer to do the thing without hands-on human interaction. The proposed project is based on the speech recognition and it’s application in control mechanism. This project involves the establishment of speech recognition system. After speech recognition, particular code related to spoken word is generated. Then this code is sent to microcontroller via wireless transceiver. Then microcontroller takes the necessary action according to the command signal. The wireless communication is provided via RS-232. The RS-232 cable provides data in the form of RS-232 level and Microcontroller is able to recognize the TTL level, so the data is converted to TTL level using MAX-232 IC.