IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Vignesh V, Sendhil Kumar KS, Jaisankar N
In Cloud Environment, the process of execution requires Resource Management due to the high process to the resource ratio. Resource Scheduling is a complicated task in cloud computing environment because there are many alternative computers with varying capacities. The goal of this paper is to propose a model for job-oriented resource scheduling in a cloud computing environment. Resource allocation task is scheduled for the Process which gives the available resources and user preferences. The computing resources can be allocated according to the rank of job .This paper constructs the analysis of resource scheduling algorithms. The time parameters of three algorithms, viz. Round Robin, Pre-emptive Priority and Shortest Remaining Time First have been taken into consideration. From this, it has been computed that SRTF has the lowest time parameters in all respects and is the most efficient algorithm for resource scheduling.