IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. Allambergenova Nodira Gulmurzayevna, Salayev Ravnak Fayzullayevich
One of the representatives of Turkic literature in India, Kamran Mirza Babur’s second son, a talented poet, is a highly talented man who deservedly continued the traditions of his father Babur. This article provides a comparative analysis of the poetic works of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur and his second son, Kamran Mirza, published in Uzbek, including ghazals, rubais, and fards. The analysis addresses not only the theoretical rules inherent in the work of these two poets, but also inherent in the classical poetry of the East. Comparing the literary expressions created by the father and son artists, it is shown by the examples that each artist enriched the literary images in the Eastern classical literature both in form and content, and gave a number of peculiarities to the traditional images. It is also proved that Kamran Mirza, like Babur and other oriental classical poets, wrote in the most vivid weights of the Turkic dream and was able to create new, beautiful expressions of content based on traditional images in oriental poetry.