IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
R. M. A. D. B. Rathnayake
In the recent past, the whole world experienced the covid-19 pandemic as a widely spreading infectious disease. Therefore, the Covid - 19 has resultant rigorous social stigmas in this milieu. Starting from the smallest social institution; family and moving on to other social institutions relating to political, economic, religious, law and educational institutions, the Covid - 19 pandemic has delivered both negative and positive impacts. Generally, the use of newer technology for education purposes is highly motivated. However, the problem remains beneath the outcomes of e-learning. This exercise has focused on understanding how post-e-learning affects the psychological condition of university students. The research problem was, “what are the post-e-learning psychological difficulties faced by university scholars”.