IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
In Indonesia, the economic value of cocoa farmers is still low so that the impact on the low income of farmers. The purpose of this research is to design an alternative to cocoa farmer income improvement solution by referring to One Village One Product (OVOP) program implementation of cocoa processing industry involving farmers as financiers and factory owners. The research began with a study of literature and surveys on cocoa and its process of utilization. Then was proceed with identifying the key factors needed to formulate an alternative framework of factory-building solutions that benefit farmers. Approach method applied is descriptive statistical. The number of samples of expert respondents is 55 people and respondents of cocoa farmers are 75 people. The results of this study were found a conceptual framework that integrates elements of cocoa farmers, cooperative institutions, cocoa factories, marketing systems and banks. The study also was found that the readiness of productive farmers through the support of capital investment commitments sourced from net income is the most important factor. The key strategy factor for increasing farmers income on a conceptual framework that was formulated is profit sharing system.