IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Prof. Suhas M. Patil, Mr. Niraj A. Papde, Mr. Ketan D. Kamble
Cloud computing reduces costs associated with computing with increase of flexibility and scalability for computer processes because of this cloud computing is counted as one of today most exciting technologies. As we know that Turbo-c, Microsoft visual studio, Java is software package available in the windows operating system. But one important thing which we should note is there is operating system restriction with these software packages. We cant use some application in Linux operating system. Also another thing is we cant use this software over internet. So there are some OS restrictions and Hardware restrictions with existing system. The solution to this problem is to develop a soft-ware application which should avoid the OS restrictions and Hardware restrictions. It should be usable over the internet. Cloud benefits such as load balancing, better level of the security will help to increase the performance of this application. We are developing a technique thro-ugh cloud computing in which user will handle systems from far distances with the help of centralized server and can access applications as well insert them from client machines, and can store data on data storage area on proxy server.