IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Jyothi.R.L., Anilkumar.A., Manoj Ray D.
Cloud computing provides on-demand services with high performance in a flexible manner. Fast and easy deployment, scalability and service-oriented architecture are its main features. It promises substantial cost reduction together with flexibility than the traditional IT operations. Service provider’s offers substantial amount of services with different performance characteristics. A broker cloud service provider (BCSP) is implemented, which provide its own services and also act as a broker redirecting the request to other cloud service providers. The BCSP gets payment from clients and provides an efficient service to them. In turn BCSP would pay other cloud service providers for using their services. An algorithm is implemented in BCSP based on client requests analysis that provides faster and cost-efficient of allocation resources for clients request. This technique provides an effective request-resource allocation based on various criteria