IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr.Deepak S.Howale, Dr.Zarna K.Patel
A Sesamoid bones are embedded in tendons, and are essentially hardened calcifications of the tendon itself. The largest sesamoid bone in the human body is the patella, which lies suspended in the kneecap between the quadriceps tendon above and the patellar tendon below. They are found in locations where a tendon passes over a joint, such as the hand, knee, and foot. Functionally, they act to protect the tendon and to increase its mechanical effect, The presence of a bone serves to hold the tendon slightly further away from the centre of the joint this increases its movement, and stops the tendon from flattening into the joint. This differs from menisci, which are made of cartilage and rather act to disperse the weight of the body on joints and reduce friction during movement.