IJSRP, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Panchalee Tamulee
The bio-medical model of treatment of cancer provides the importance of varied process of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery dominantly. In current world where massive importance is given to the HPV clinical trials for the women breast cancer, this paper attempts to look into the different social systems for the women cancer patients. As part of bio-psychosocial model these systems are important and critical in treatment. The participants in this are individuals under follow-up or over treatment; survived for at least 5 years. A retrospective understanding and analysis was done of the social systems available for the women based on the positive experiences shared during the unstructured interviews. The social systems ranged from immediate family to doctors, every system having unique, distinct yet interplaying roles to contribute to the quality of life of the women cancer patients.