IJSRP, Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Shadrack Kipkoech Sitienei, James Kiptum Chumba
Population displacement has been a global issue in the contemporary world. In Africa, Electoral violence has become one of the major cause of inter-state conflicts and the resultant internal displacements in the contemporary society. This paper seeks to examine the Government policy on population displacement; the current human-rights conditions of post-election violence as a result of 2007/8 electoral violence; and finally to find out the challenges facing the applicability of the available legal instruments in Kenya in alleviating the plight of IDPs. The used survey researches design. This paper found that although legal mechanisms are in place, they remain in paper and its implementation is wanting, the human rights conditions of IDPs are deplorable and finally, most of them are largely un-resettled.