IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
The secondary power distribution is the final stage of power distribution.In this paper,a GSM(Global system for mobile communication) based alert and switching control system is proposed to monitor and control secondary distribution. Automatic alert and switching control of secondary distribution system(AASCSDS) can be installed in a distribution substation. Fault due to tripping of circuit breakers and blowing of fuses are alerted to authorities as GSM messages .The system is authorised with a unique phone number ,assumed to be that of the authorised person. The incorporated GSM module acts as a mean for monitoring and controlling through a real time two way interaction between the system and authorised person via SMS (Short Message Service) .In this paper a GSM based alert and switching control system is proposed to automate secondary power distribution .