International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

QuViCE to Improve Virtual Firewall Performance
      D.K.C.P. Sooriyapala, G.K.U. Lakmal, G.M.N.H. Godamanna, E.M.P.Y.S. Elapatha, H.A.P.A Jayasinghe and Dhishan Dhammearatchi
Abstract: This is a time where usage of technology keeps growing. Along with a growth of using technology, so as it needs to increase the using hardware and server. It consumes more energy than past. As a solution virtual environment can be used to ease the usage and less hardware, server and energy consume. More than one Virtual Machine (VM) in a host can be run at once but virtual traffic between two VMs will never go out of the host. Therefore, this network traffic will never meet a physical firewall and also when data comes from outer networks must be filtered before they enter the related VMs. In case of that a Virtual Firewall (VF) must be deployed. When a network traffic generated it causes VF to slow it’s mechanism down as well as the hypervisor’s performance. To solve it, quantum mechanism approach will be used and will be given a solution to improve the VF performance as well as hypervisor performance.

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D.K.C.P. Sooriyapala, G.K.U. Lakmal, G.M.N.H. Godamanna, E.M.P.Y.S. Elapatha, H.A.P.A Jayasinghe and Dhishan Dhammearatchi (2018); QuViCE to Improve Virtual Firewall Performance; Int J Sci Res Publ 6(4) (ISSN: 2250-3153). http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0416.php?rp=P525272
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