IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Satyasavitri V. B, and Dr. P. M. Honakeri
The present study is to analyse the growth of education and the literacy gap between Scheduled Tribes and other social categories from the year 1961 to2011. Along with this it tried to highlight the current issues and challenges of tribal communities in the segment of education. Tribal community in both rural and urban is facing various social and psychological problems to get education. Educating tribals is not common task like educating non-tribals. It needs a special efforts by the Government. So the Government has initiated many policy programmes to sought-out the educational problems of tribals. The present study has taken Ashram Schools as one of the remedial measures. The study is purely depends on secondary data of census of India, published and unpublished reports of Government and Non- Government organisations and the researcher’s observation in the field. To justify above objectives there are four questions have been framed to correlate the present thrust of the paper.