IJSRP, Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2018 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
K.J.T.Perera, Sutha.J
Shopping is widely regarded as a major leisure time activity and entertainment aspect of retail industry is increasingly being recognized as a key competitive instrument in the present situation. Therefore retailers and shopping Centre developers are seeking ways to make shopping more of a leisure pursuit. While considering the literature in hedonic shopping there is a limited researches and no proper theorization. While retailers are focusing more on entertainment, academic research is lagging in investigating the hedonic reasons people go shopping. Absence of knowledge in this background makes marketers unclear and difficult to satisfy expectations of the customers who are reactive to leisure shopping. Hence through the structured literature review, this paper intent to identify the factors which influence on consumers’ leisure shopping behaviour in shopping malls through that identify the theoretical gaps and giving suggestions for future research.