IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Motasim Hyder Abdelwahab
The experiment was conducted in two-successive seasons (August 2008- March 2009, August 2009- March 2010). The intensity of wind erosion (IWE) was measured monthly in four directions, namely West (W), North West (NW), North (N), and North East (NE), using vertical (IWEv) and horizontal soil traps(IWEh) in a bare and a Lucerne-cultivated land. In the first season, IWEh in the bare land ranged from183.3 (W) to 200 (NE) with a mean of 192.9 tons/ha/day, and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 4%. Furthermore, IWEh ranged from 123.3 (Oct.) to 262 (Aug.) with a CV of 33.2%. The overall mean IWEh and IWEv in the first season were 1.3 and 1.4 fold those in the second season, respectively. In bare lands, the overall mean IWEh was 1.77 and 1.88 fold the corresponding IWEv values in the first and second seasons, respectively. In the cultivated fields the reverse trend was found in the first season, the overall mean of IWEv yielded significantly much higher than that produced by IWEh but in the second season result was inverse with very meager increasing in the overall mean value of IWEh. The ratio IWEv/ IWEh of the overall mean values was 1.4 and 0.85 in the first and second seasons, respectively. The IWEh in the bare lands were 47.0 and 45.7 fold that of the cultivated fields in the two successive seasons.