IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Dr. G. Mannepalli
The history of early Indian trade also shows a distinct preference for the study of long-distance trade-both over land and overseas –the study of exports and imports, especially their possible identifications on a modern map. The other common feature in this historiography is to present urban centers almost invariably as thriving commercial canters and to hold commercial exchanges as the principal causative factor towards urbanization. Without belittling the importance of this conventional narrative approach to the history of trade; it must be emphasized that an understanding of trade and urban centers can hardly be delinked from the agrarian sector. Significantly enough, the expansion “agro-cities” has been used to characterize early Indian urban centers. The trade between Andhra and Roman Empire, Andhra was the much beneficiary compare with Rome. Because of this trade Buddhism, urban centers were flourished in that period.