IJSRP, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Jithesh Sathyan
Based on report published by American Psychological Association, the number of Americans reporting extreme stress continues to be significant - around 20 percent in 2012, 22 percent in 2011, 24 percent in 2010 and 23 percent in 2009. Based on latest report from American Psychological Association, work is among the top three sources of stress. The physical and emotional symptoms associated to stress vary based on type of work. Hence understanding of the specific cause in work related stress and associated symptoms help organizations to come up with appropriate stress management programs to improve organizational effectiveness. Considering the increasing role of IT (Information Technology) in today’s industry, this study is intended to identify the causes of work related stress in IT professionals and the common physical and emotional symptoms exhibited by IT professionals with high level of work related stress. The study collected data from 128 IT professionals, to identify a subset of professionals experiencing high levels of work place stress. 53 of 128 professionals reported work related issues as primary factor contributing to stress. Work related issues causing extreme stress, most frequently experienced physical symptoms associated with work related stress and most frequently experienced emotional symptoms associated with work related stress, were identified for the 53 professionals that reported work related issues as primary factor contributing to stress.