IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Bipasha Mridha Ghosh
India has been proficiently imbibing the conception of corporate environmentalism since time immemorial. It is preferred to study the contemporary trends of corporate greening in reference of iron industry because Iron and steel making in India have a history of more than 125 years and it is one of the leading industries. With the assistance of GAP analysis, environmental management practices of Iron Industries are studied in fine points to drawing the contemporary corporate environmentalism scenario. Findings show that Indian corporate environmentalism is the blend of Indian and European practice and Environmental Management System (EMS) is a fusion corporate environmentalism. Moreover following this pattern India’s iron industries are performing well.
The significance of the study is fabricated, in enlightening a latest fashion of corporate environmentalism in India, which might be a better inspiration and more efficient to catalyze corporate environmentalism.