IJSRP, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Monjit Borthakur, Bhrigu Kr. Nath
Urbanization is undoubtedly the major transformation to land cover that profoundly influences biotic diversity. Changing urban landscape with high population growth and more demand for land is a major issue in Metropolitan Guwahati. The general pattern of urbanization in Guwahati is complex, diverse and fragmented which brings modification to natural land cover within the city. This complex urbanization process has altered the land surface characteristics within the city. An analysis of Landsat imageries has revealed subsequent decrease of land cover with a distinct spatial heterogeneity of land surface temperature from 1991 to 2008. To regulate the development, the proposed Master Plan for Guwahati 2025 has assigned some land use zoning. But the pressure of changing urban landscape has clearly seen over the eco-sensitive and Green belt areas, especially towards the periphery of the city. Due to scarcity of vegetation, some hotspots on surrounding hillocks were identified, the surface temperature of which is as high as the downtown. Thus, here an attempt has been made to correlate variation in temperature with land use type. The result of the present study is considered to be useful to develop countermeasure to thermal environmental problem in Guwahati metropolitan area.