International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

IJSRP, Volume 14, Issue 10, October 2024 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]

Vulval Leiomyoma: A Rare and Often Misdiagnosed Benign Tumor
      Dr. Deepti Aggarwal
Abstract: Uterine Leiomyomas are a common condition, diagnosed in 20-25% of women of reproductive age. However, vulval leiomyomas are rare and often mistaken for Bartholin’s cyst before surgery. These benign tumors generally cause little to no discomfort, with patients typically presenting with a painless vulval swelling that has been present for an extended period, sometimes years. Although leiomyomas in the vulva are uncommon, they are the most prevalent benign solid tumors in this area. Vulval leiomyomas represent only 0.03% of all gynecologic tumors and 0.07% of vulval tumors.

Reference this Research Paper (copy & paste below code):
Dr. Deepti Aggarwal (2024); Vulval Leiomyoma: A Rare and Often Misdiagnosed Benign Tumor; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 14(10) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.14.10.2024.p15407

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