IJSRP, Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Josephine Atieno Onyango, Julius Miroga
This study aimed at assessing the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility strategy on Organizational Image of commercial banks in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. This can facilitate each personal and public firm to understand the need of creating CSR for action for competitive advantage and improved performance. It additionally define and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of company Social Responsibility programs and effectively let the player(s) in this field be able to improve the implementation of company Social Responsibility programs. To the 11 banks in Trans Nzoia County, the study will provide recommendations for higher implementation of CSR programs and at last, the analysis can contribute to the present literature on the way to assess the effects of company Social Responsibility. The main focus of the study is to investigate the effect of corporate Social Responsibility strategy on organizational image of Commercial Banks in Trans Nzoia County. The study independent variables were: economic strategy, and philanthropic Strategy of CSR while dependent variable was organizational image of commercial banks. Geographically, the study scope was within Trans Nzoia County and concentrated on 11 commercial banks in Trans Nzoia County and it involved 105 respondents. Relevant information was significantly collected from CSR applicable management workers and also other non-managerial workers at the banks. The study used descriptive survey design and it was conducted in October 2022. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires that were administered by the researcher on face-to-face basis by visiting the respondents in their respective banks. Pilot study was conducted in one bank that was picked for sampling through the rule of the thumb method. After collection of data, both descriptive and inferential data analysis techniques were used. Analyzed data was presented through frequency tables.