IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Janet Laltlansangi, C.Laldingliana, Jacinta Vanlalrinzuali
The present study seeks to determine the space time investigation of gender disparities in literacy in Mizoram. Although the effective literacy rate is quite high (91.33% in 2011 Census), the geographic pattern of literacy rate is relatively uneven over different parts of the State. At the same time, there exists a significant gap in literacy rates between male and female, and between rural and urban area. The temporal analysis of literacy reveals that the gap in literacy rate is slowly narrowing down with time. However, due to various socio economic and cultural factors such as poverty, ignorance, patriarchal system, social custom, conservative attitude of family etc incidence of gender disparity can still be found in many parts of the State.