IJSRP, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2021 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Mr. James Anthony Kenyi, Dr. Peter Wamalwa Barasa, PhD
The common trends in the business world, organizations are majorly concerned with contractors discharging their duties through appropriate contract management procedures in a safe and timely manner (Hotteebex, 2013). Contract management involves all activities of administration concerned with managing contracts which include; appointing the contract manager or constituting the contract management team, planning contract implementation, management of quality, administering the contract, and monitoring contract implementation. The study sought to examine the influence of contract management practices on service delivery in the public sector with focus on Uganda Civil Aviation Authority. It focused on examining the influence of contract mobilization practice on service delivery in the public sector with focus on Uganda Civil Aviation Authority; examined the influence of contract monitoring practice on service delivery in the public sector with focus on Uganda Civil Aviation Authority and finally to evaluate the influence of relationship management practice on service delivery in the public sector with focus on Uganda Civil Aviation Authority.