IJSRP, Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2019 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Ovai, J.U
Soils from the floodplain of Abi local Government Area were evaluated. Three profile pits where dug and denoted as AFAFP, EDIFP and IMAFP soil units and samples carefully collected from the horizons into polythene bags for analysis. Parametric and non-parametric methods were used for the suitability evaluation of the soils. The physico-chemical properties showed that bulk density was agronomically favourable for the cultivation of rice (<1.8mg/kg). Porosity was low in AFAFP and IMAFP units while EDIFP unit was high. Moisture content was higher in EDIFP than in AFAFP and IMAFP. Particle size analysis showed high sand fraction in all the soil units. The mean value of pH was higher in AFAFP than in EDIFP and IMAFP soil units.