IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
AUB Pethiyagoda, K Pethiyagoda
Haematuria is a common finding in urine full reports. The source of haematuria can be anywhere along the urinary tract. The study was a cross sectional descriptive type study. It was carried out in the general surgical clinics at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.The study was based on a closed ended self-administered questionnaire. Altogether 425 participants comprised of 258 (60.7% of the total population) female participants and 167 (39.3% of the total population) male participants. They were between 18 years and 75 years of age. Mean age of the population was 47.75 years. The mean average knowledge score of the population is 45.11% (SD=21.10). However the participants had good attitudes regarding haematuria.The majority believes that blood in the urine can be the presentation of a serious medical condition and it is essential to further investigate blood passing with urine. This attitude is very important as it can reduce the patient delay in presenting to a doctor. Though the attitude regarding haematuria seems to be good, knowledge regarding haematuria is poor in our study population. Therefore it is important to take measures to improve the knowledge by health care professionals. As a conclusion, surgical clinic attendees of General hospital Peradeniya have a poor knowledge regarding haematuria, but found to have good attitude and practice regarding severity and treatment.