IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
MS Mohamed Rifnas, DulanNimesh, RavinduBathiya, Dilan Madura Jayaneththi, DulminiWijesinghe and Mr. DhishanDhammearatchi
Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is an open-source real-time interactive audio, video communication framework and potentially useful standard that allows to incorporate features such as voice calling, video chatting, messages features and peer to peer (P2P) file sharing directly into the browser. New Firefox Hello video and chat client that lets user talk securely to anyone else using an up-to-date Firefox, Chrome, or Opera browser, without the need to downloaded any add-on, or configure any new settings. In WebRTC, Communication is extremely sensitive to affected by errors. Research paper discusses some of the mechanisms utilized in WebRTC to handle data missing, Virtual Private Network (VPN) bugs, Reporting errors and WebRTC traditional error in the communication path while WebRTC processing. In this case tried to solve the problems on the WebRTC communication. This Paper’s reviews the techniques that have been developed for error detect, locate and correct in the WebRTC. More importantly, this system design can correct an error at a small modification of the basic structure.