IJSRP, Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2020 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Arjun Dattaraju
There are 3 main objectives of this research paper. First, to provide an accurate and an indepth understanding of employees’ perspective of how effective the organization is at utilizing its employee potential. The research tries to capture the perspective of 3 categories of participants, i.e. employees with work experience less than two years categorized as freshers, interns with an internship experience of at least 3 months and employees with work experience of more than 2 years. Second, to capture the employees’ perspective on the role of Corporate Training in achieving employee potential and the necessary improvements that can improve corporate training effectiveness. Third, to propose a tangible solution designed by a synergy of tested approaches that can help organizations to maximize the utilization of employee potential and achieve better performance.