IJSRP, Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2017 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153]
Cynthren L. Bernabe
The study aimed to determine the socio-demographic profile of employees as to sex, age, civil status, monthly salary and length of service; ascertain the level of work ethics of employees of CapSU-Mambusao Satellite College when classified according to variables and as a whole; and is there a significant difference on the level of work ethics of employees of CapSU-Mambusao Satellite College in terms of selected variables. The main instrument of the study was questionnaire consist of three parts. Part I was gathered information on socio-demographic profile, Part II was a 20-items statement that enabled to evaluate the level of the work ethics they possessed and Part III was a 4-items questions that measured their work productivity. Results of the study will be analyze using frequency count, percentage, standard deviation and mean. T-test and one-way ANNOVA was used to determine the significant difference on the level of work ethics of the government employees. Correlational analysis was used to find out the relationship of level of work ethics to productivity of employees. Most of the employees were married age within 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 and within 14 years and below in service. Most of the employees have a high level of work ethics when classified as to age, gender, civil status, length of service and monthly salary. There is no significant difference in level of work ethics when employees are categorized as to age, gender, civil status, monthly salary and length of service.